Secondary antibodies

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Secondary antibody application

When carrying out protein qualification and quantification experiments secondary antibodies are an excellent tool for indirect detection of a target protein. They can greatly increase the sensitivity of an assay through signal amplification, which is generated when several secondary antibodies binding to a single primary antibody.



Secondary antibodies have to possess specificity for both the species and the isotype of the primary antibody in order to correctly bind. A general rule is that a secondary antibody can be used with any given primary one so long as the host species of each don't match, making it much more versatile when compared to labelled primary antibodies.



The nature of secondary antibodies also allows for them to be used for multi-labelling and multiplexing and in more specialised cases, one secondary antibody can successfully be used across different applications in order to validate the detection of the antigen of interest. 

Secondary conjugation options

Secondary antibodies have the option to be conjugated to different enzymes, fluorescent dyes and biotin. What is conjugated to the antibody ultimately depends on the intended application and this process can greatly enhance the results of the experiment. 



We offer a large variety of high-quality research secondary antibodies for a wide range of applications.