Western blot analysis of GAPDH. Sample: Protein treated by RIPA Lysis Buffer. Blocking buffer: 3% Nonfat dry milkinTBST, RT, 1h. Primaryantibody: 1:5000, 4C overnight. Secondaryantibody: HRP Goat Anti-mouse lgG, 1:5000, RT, 1h.
Immunohistochemistry analysis of GAPDH. Sample: Human breast carcinoma, 4% PFA 12-24h. Antigen retrieval: Citrate buffer, pressure cooker 2min. Blocking buffer: 3% BSA in PBS, RT, 30min. Primary antibody: 1:1000, 4C overnight. Secondary antibody: HRP Goat Anti-mouse lgG, 1:200 RT 1h.
Immunohistochemistry analysis of GAPDH. Sample: Human esophageal cancer, 4% PFA 12-24h. Antigen retrieval: Citrate buffer, pressure cooker 2min. Blocking buffer: 3% BSA in PBS, RT, 30min. Primary antibody: 1:1000, 4C overnight. Secondary antibody: HRP Goat Anti-mouse lgG, 1:200 RT 1h.
Immunohistochemistry analysis of GAPDH. Sample: mouse kindey, 4% PFA 12-24h. Antigen retrieval: Citrate buffer, pressure cooker 2min. Blocking buffer: 3% BSA in PBS, RT, 30min. Primary antibody: 1:1000, 4C overnight. Secondary antibody: HRP Goat Anti-mouse lgG, 1:200 RT 1h.
Immunohistochemistry analysis of GAPDH. Sample: Rat kindey, 4% PFA 12-24h. Antigen retrieval: Citrate buffer, pressure cooker 2min. Blocking buffer: 3% BSA in PBS, RT, 30min. Primary antibody: 1:1000, 4C overnight. Secondary antibody: HRP Goat Anti-mouse lgG, 1:200 RT 1h.
Immunohistochemistry analysis of GAPDH. Sample: mouse testis, 4% PFA 12-24h. Antigen retrieval: Citrate buffer, pressure cooker 2min. Blocking buffer: 3% BSA in PBS, RT, 30min. Primary antibody: 1:1000, 4C overnight. Secondary antibody: HRP Goat Anti-mouse lgG, 1:200 RT 1h.
Immunohistochemistry analysis of GAPDH. Sample: Rat spinal cord, 4% PFA 12-24h. Antigen retrieval: Citrate buffer, pressure cooker 2min. Blocking buffer: 3% BSA in PBS, RT, 30min. Primary antibody: 1:1000, 4C overnight. Secondary antibody: HRP Goat Anti-mouse lgG, 1:200 RT 1h.
ICC analysis of GAPDH red. Sample: HeLa, 4% PFA 20min. Blocking buffer: 3% BSA in PBS, RT, 30min. Primary antibody: 1:1000, 4C overnight. Secondary antibody: Cy3 conjugated Goat Anti-mouse IgG, 1:300, RT, 1h.