Function | Plays a role in directed cell migration by regulating the activation and subcellular location of RAC1. Increases the presence of activated RAC1 at the leading edge of migrating cells. Required for normal organization of the cytoskeleton, including the actin cytoskeleton, microtubules and the vimentin intermediate filaments. Plays a role in endoplasmic reticulum-associated endosome fission: localizes to endosome membrane tubules and promotes recruitment of TMCC1, leading to recruitment of the endoplasmic reticulum to endosome tubules for fission. Endosome membrane fission of early and late endosomes is essential to separate regions destined for lysosomal degradation from carriers to be recycled to the plasma membrane. Required for normal cell proliferation, cell migration, and normal formation of lamellipodia. Required for normal distribution of mitochondria within cells. Isoform 3: Involved in myogenic differentiation. |
Protein Name | Coronin-1cCoronin-3Hcrnn4 |
Cellular Localisation | Cell MembranePeripheral Membrane ProteinCytoplasmic SideCell ProjectionLamellipodiumRuffle MembraneCytoplasmCytoskeletonCell CortexEndosome MembraneAll Isoforms Colocalize With The Actin Cytoskeleton In The CytosolAnd Especially In The Cell CortexColocalizes With F-Actin At The Leading Edge Of LamellipodiaPartially Colocalizes With Microtubules And Vimentin Intermediate FilamentsLocalizes To Endosome Membrane Tubules/BudsIsoform 3: Cell MembraneSarcolemmaMyofibrilSarcomereSynapseColocalizes With The Thin Filaments Of The Sarcomere And With The Postsynaptic Area And The Junctional Sarcoplasm Of Motor End PlatesColocalizes With The Actin Cytoskeleton In The Cytosol |
Alternative Antibody Names | Anti-Coronin-1c antibodyAnti-Coronin-3 antibodyAnti-Hcrnn4 antibodyAnti-CORO1C antibodyAnti-CRN2 antibodyAnti-CRNN4 antibody |
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