Tissue Specificity | Widely expressed. Highest level in placenta. |
Post Translational Modifications | Autophosphorylates upon activation by EFNA5. Phosphorylation on Tyr-602 mediates interaction with NCK1. Dephosphorylated by PTPN1. |
Function | Receptor tyrosine kinase which binds promiscuously membrane-bound ephrin family ligands residing on adjacent cells, leading to contact-dependent bidirectional signaling into neighboring cells. The signaling pathway downstream of the receptor is referred to as forward signaling while the signaling pathway downstream of the ephrin ligand is referred to as reverse signaling. Highly promiscuous for ephrin-A ligands it binds preferentially EFNA5. Upon activation by EFNA5 regulates cell-cell adhesion, cytoskeletal organization and cell migration. Plays a role in cardiac cells migration and differentiation and regulates the formation of the atrioventricular canal and septum during development probably through activation by EFNA1. Involved in the retinotectal mapping of neurons. May also control the segregation but not the guidance of motor and sensory axons during neuromuscular circuit development. |
Protein Name | Ephrin Type-A Receptor 3Eph-Like Kinase 4Ek4Hek4HekHuman Embryo KinaseTyrosine-Protein Kinase Tyro4Tyrosine-Protein Kinase Receptor Etk1Eph-Like Tyrosine Kinase 1 |
Database Links | Reactome: R-HSA-2682334Reactome: R-HSA-3928663Reactome: R-HSA-3928665 |
Cellular Localisation | Isoform 1: Cell MembraneSingle-Pass Type I Membrane ProteinIsoform 2: Secreted |
Alternative Protein Names | Ephrin Type-A Receptor 3 proteinEph-Like Kinase 4 proteinEk4 proteinHek4 proteinHek proteinHuman Embryo Kinase proteinTyrosine-Protein Kinase Tyro4 proteinTyrosine-Protein Kinase Receptor Etk1 proteinEph-Like Tyrosine Kinase 1 proteinEPHA3 proteinETK proteinETK1 proteinHEK proteinTYRO4 protein |
Information sourced from Uniprot.org