Background | Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a Beta-herpesvirus (human herpesvirus 5) that causes widespread persistent infection. CMV continues to be an important opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised patients. It is estimated that 30% of transplant recipients experience CMV disease. The range of organ involvement in post-transplant CMV disease is wide; hepatitis occurs in 40% of liver transplant recipients, and pneumonitis is more frequently seen in heart and heart-lung transplant patients. Other organs that are commonly affected are the gastrointestinal tract and the peripheral and central nervous systems. Histologic diagnosis of CMV in fixed tissues usually rests on identifying characteristic cytopathic effects including intranuclear inclusions, cytoplasmic inclusions, or both, especially in the endothelial cells. However, histologic examination lacks sensitivity, and in some cases atypical cytopathic features can be confused with reactive or degenerative changes. |
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